Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's Color is Purple ;-)

Heute mal in lila ;-)


Lori said...

Such beautiful composition in this photo. I like the sharp focus on the flowers and the bee with the softer background. That's a lovely shot!

Mellimaus said...

That is a beautiful picture! Great job!

Olivier said...

c'est une abeille sur la fleur ? belle photo, j'aime beaucoup cette couleur.

it is a bee on the flower? beautiful photograph, I like much this color.

Annie said...

I could almost read these words in German and that was fun. Lila is purple (lilac)?

Wanda said...

They look like little bachelor buttons...I love all your little flowers. I can just see a vase of them on your kitchen table!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I've always loved purple :)

Angela Marie said...

I love purple!
These flowers look stickery...
Do they have a fragrance?

Priscilla said...

Me too! (love purple that is)

Martha said...

I think these are the ones that release all their seeds as floating fuzzy parachutes. (Then we catch them, make a wish, and blow them back into the air.)