The first thing we saw when we bought our house was a snake skin! So it came to no surprise to us that we have many garter snakes around our house. Especially in the little rock wall near our entrance we see them lying in the sun a lot. I don't really like snakes, but I am not afraid of them either, because I know they are harmless. I just want them to stay outside!!
Das erste was wir sahen, als wir unser Haus gekauft haben, war eine Schlangenhaut! Daher hat es uns nicht ueberrascht, dass wir viele Strumpfbandnattern um unser Haus herum haben. Vor allem in der kleinen Steinmauer an der Seite wo unser Eingang ist, sehen wir sie oft in der Sonne liegen. Ich kann sie zwar nicht besonders leiden, aber ich habe auch keine Angst, denn ich weiss, dass sie harmlos sind. Ich will nur, dass sie draussen bleiben!!
I agree on snakes. They should stay outside where they belong and let me take their picture (kind of like frogs). I'm not afraid of them as long as they're garter snakes and not Boa Constrictors or Rattlers. I'm still waiting for a snake photo this year.
I saw one of them in my front garden the other day, but he was SO quick to hide on me. It also made me think about the tiny little frog I had seen hopping down our sidewalk just the day before...I'll bet he got eaten.
Okay, today I am not jealous about where you live! (Usually I am!) I despise snakes and I'm deathly afraid of them. I think these are good photos, but I'm not sure because I didn't look at them for very long!
Believe me, I hope they stay outside, too! I really dislike snakes! Gross!
I'm not afraid as long as they are harmless...I've even been known to catch one to show the kids when they were little. We had a lot of snakes where we used to live.
Ah, the wonders of your world. Deer in the backyard, birds in the sky yesterday, snakes on the ground today. What tomorrow?
Ich glaube, das mit den Schlangen wäre nicht unbedingt was für mich....
Andererseits, hier, bzw. vor allem im Taunus, gibt es ja auch Schlangen, aber man wird äußerst selten damit konfrontiert. (vor Jahren hat meine Mutter mal eine Blindschleiche im Garten gesehen)
LG, Monika
you sure do haev lots of critters around... I like snakes and even have one for a pet - but I too would perfer for the wild ones to stay outside
I'm sure glad you've got your great new camera to take high-quality pictures of these things. :P
I guess depending on where you live, snakes are part of the territory.
Uhhh, they look scary to me. I wouldn't want them on my property... I know they are harmless, but, they give me the willies! LOL! or rather ScREaM!!!
Such good little critters, eat mice, frogs, big bugs and other not so nice things. Does upstate NY have poisionous snakes? Like copper heads or water snakes?
Wondering what the chickens are up to, are they laying eggs yet? ya know that chickens eat snakes don't you? :O)
et ils ne font pas peur aux chevaux ? comme beaucoup de personnes, je n'aime pas trop les serpents, où alors dans un vivarium
and they do not frighten the horses? as much of people, I do not love too the snakes, where then in a vivarium
I have been a naturalist for many years and I used to do landscaping and in my beginning years here at my house, I had piled of rocks I had collected but had not used in walls. One day I was in my chair and trying to relax and watched my dog, a Fox Terrier Jack Russell mixture, walking along and he looked at something. It must have moved as he leaped straight up in the air. It alarmed me enough for me to get up and go see what scared him. And it was two garter snakes coiled up in the sunshine getting warm.
After that, the neighbor was mowing his lawn one day and screamed and leaped away from his mower. Here he has run over and cut the tail off of a garter snake and it scared him nearly to death.
Since that time I have not seen a snake around here in spite of a rock pile for them to use.
I like your post today. I am like you. I don't really like snakes but tolerate the harmless ones.
Nice post and good-looking photos.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Du liebe Güte! Ich glaube wenn ich eine Schlange sehen würde könnte ich da nicht mehr wohnen bleiben. Ich hab ja schon vor einer Blindschleiche Angst!
I'm not very afraid of snakes, but they do make me jump when I'm surprised by one. Growing up in Louisiana where there are many poisonous ones, I learned to be careful until I knew what kind I was looking at.
Bei mir im Garten sonnt sich ab und zu mal eine Ringelnatter. Obwohl ich weiß, dass sie völlig harmlos ist, bekommt man doch einen Riesenschreck, wenn sie das Weite sucht.
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