Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Yesterday's View from our Deck

Das war der gestrige Blick von unserer Terrasse in den Wald hinein und hinunter! Nun kann man unser Tal nicht mehr sehen u auch nicht unseren Schuppen. Alles dicht gruen!
The view into the valley is green. No more creek or shed to be seen!


Anonymous said...

I liked your picture yesterday and also this one today. I like your photographs.

Abraham Lincoln
Trapping the Japanese Beetle
Brookville Daily Photo
Some published works

Olivier said...

superbe photo, vue du ciel. bravo et bonne idee

superb photograph, sight of the sky. cheer and good idea

Dunja said...

Sieht gut aus!

Priscilla said...

That's a lot of green out there!

Wanda said...

Gudl, I don't think there is a greener place on God's big earth than you place! I know God walks there in the cool of the evening!!

Luna und Luzie said...

Toll, so grün ist es nun bei euch !
Du hast schöne Fotos gemacht. Auch das vom letzten Post hat mir sehr gefallen.

JO said...

What did you do to get that shot? Look like your up in a tree :-)

Great pic!

JAM said...

I love the one looking down on your girl and her horse. Was it from up in the barn?

Angela Marie said...

Wow! Everything is so green and lush! Beautiful!!

megan said...

What a great angle...well done!