Monday, June 04, 2007

Chicken News

This weekend we let the chickens run free for the first time. They were so happy and fun to watch. They were so excited and were running and flying all over the place! Lateron we had a tough time bringing them all in again.
Dieses Wochenende durften die Huehner das erste Mal frei laufen. Sie waren so gluecklich und es hat Spass gemacht ihnen zuzusehen. Sie waren ganz aufgeregt und sind ueberall rumgelaufen und auch geflogen! Es war allerdings etwas schwierig sie spaeter wieder alle einzufangen!


Lori said...

Your chickens are beautiful! It's amazing how fast they grow. I like how they are all different colors too. What breed of chickens are they? They have pretty feathers.

Anonymous said...

Oh now your eggs will taste like whatever they ate. If onions then onion taste. I like chickens and your photograph of them. Nice shot.

Abraham Lincoln's kidney stone attack...
I rolled on the floor, puked, screamed, and passed out. When I woke up the neighbor was gone.
Brookville Daily Photo

Shelly said...

The novelty of TV must have worn off! ;)

Heike said...

Denk dran....Sport hält fit :-))

Unknown said...

Wow they are getting big. I wish I could see them!

judi/Gmj said...

yep, your a chicken rangler now!

Olivier said...

j'ai un probleme aujourd'hui, je ne vois pas tes photos ;o((

I have a problem today, I do not see your photographs ;O((

Annie said...

In a collection of folklore from the Arkansas Ozarks was this poem which I thought you might like to read today, Gudl.

Recited by: Mrs. Barnes
Recorded on 9/4/62

Once there was a pretty chicken,
But his friends were very few,
For he thought that there was nothing
In the world but what he knew.
He was always in the barnyard--
Had a very forward way--
Telling hens and geese and turkeys
What they ought to do and say.
"I wish, my old Aunt Darking,"
He began to her one day,
"That you would sit all summer
In your nest upon the hay.
Won't you come out to the meadows
Where the grass with seeds is filled?"
"If I should," said Mrs. Darking,
"Then my eggs would all get chilled."
"No, they won't," replied the chicken,
"No matter if they do.
Eggs are really good for nothing.
What's an egg to me or you?"
"What's an egg?" said Mrs. Darking,
"Can it be you do not know?
You yourself was in an eggshell
Just one little month ago,
And if kind wings had not warmed you,
You would not been out today,
Telling hens and geese and turkeys
What they ought to do and say."

(Dr. Wolf: "Where'd you learn that one?"
Mrs. Barnes: "Well, that was in my old McGuffey third reader.")

All Songs Recorded by John Quincy Wolf, Jr., unless otherwise noted

The John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection
Lyon College, Batesville, Arkansas
©Copyright 2002 Lyon College

Gudl said...

Very nice, Annie! Thank you for the poem and that you thought of us! That made my day.

Priscilla said...

I wondered how you could catch them all and bring them back!

Bergson said...

I adore the photograph or the hens put one’s hair straight.

JO said...

OH how fun! I had a chicken not long ago and you make me miss him terribly... Great pics! Thanks for sharing

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Looks like fun to me. :)

Gemma said...

Das ist ja goldig! Und wie habt ihr sie wieder eingefangen - mit den Händen ?!?

Gudl said...

Hi Lucia,
wir haben nur in die Haende geklatscht u Geraeusche gemacht u sie so wieder in ihr Haus getrieben. Natuerlich waren da ein, oder zwei, die besonders lange gebraucht haben bis sie endlich rein sind. Da mussten wir schon mit den Haenden nachhelfen!

Pedi said...

Witzig! Und legen sie auch schon Eier?

Gudl said...

Petra, nein, erst ca. Sept.
Ich freue mich schon wenn ihr BALD kommt!! Das wird 'fun fun fun '

Anonymous said...

wahnsinn, wie gross die Huehnchen schon sind!Wie suess!!
Sieht ja echt auch witzig aus wie sie darummachen, haha.

Dunja said...

Mann sind die riesig geworden...huge those chickens compared to 5 weeks ago when we left.Cute!

Wolfgang said...

Eigentlich müssten die Hühnchen von alleine in ihren Stall finden. Wenn es schummrig wird, gehen meine alle friedlich in ihr Haus un setzen sich auf die Stangen. Meine Klappe schließt dann mit Beginn der Dunkelheit über einen sensorgesteuerten Motor. Morgens stelle ich die Zeit mittels Schaltuhr ein.
Anfangs war ich auch skeptisch, ob sie alleine in ihr Haus gehen. Habe es einige Male überwacht. Es klappte prima. Jetzt kümmere ich mich nicht mehr darum.

Viel Grüße

Anika said...

they are sooo big! wow!