Sunday, June 03, 2007

Pathways Bridge (NOT in our Forest!)

Same trail as yesterday's photo. You walk over a bridge and have this beautiful view.
Gleicher Waldpfad wie auf dem Foto von gestern. Man geht ueber eine Bruecke und hat diese schoene Aussicht.


inspired said...

that is a beautiful view..
And yes that's it Trier..Danke

Mellimaus said...

WOW, it is a beautiful view! Very nice!

Annie said...

A beautiful little highway for the boater or the birds and fish. Wonderful scene, Gudl.

SeePearrl said...

Awesome view and also the house in the template...
simpley beautiful!!

joeks said...

So peaceful.

Gemma said...

Toll! Ich bin geplättet.

Gudl said...

To clarify the matter: This is NOT on our property!! This is a trail in town.

Heike said...

Ich glaub Ihr wohnt im Paradies oder ??

JO said...

Breath taking ! What a shot! :-)