Thursday, June 07, 2007

Here she goes....

Our daughter is still very much in love with her horse Daisy-Mae. She takes good care of her and rides her every afternoon. At night, after dinner, she goes out to ride her down the driveway 'bare back' and that is what you see here. On the last photo you can see her how she just says something like "Good Girl Daisy"...after trotting up the driveway.
Unsere Tochter ist noch immer ganz verliebt in ihr Pferd Daisy-Mae. Sie kuemmert sich viel und gerne um sie und reitet sie jeden Nachmittag. Am Abend, nach dem Essen, geht sie noch mal raus um sie "ohne Sattel" zu reiten, mal kurz die Einfahrt runter, und das ist es was ihr hier sehen koennt. Auf dem dritten Foto sagt sie gerade etwas wie "Gutes Maedchen" zu Daisy, nachdem sie die Einfahrt hochgetrabt ist.


Lori said...

They look like they are having fun! I'm glad your daughter is wearing a helmet. I fell off a horse once when I was a teenager and I wish I had been wearing one. Good photos!

T said...

how very fun for her!
what is that on daisy's head?
daisy looks very happy as well as you daughter.

Dunja said...

What a great life they both have! I am happy for them!

Gudl said...

Thanks for your nice comments!
T, Daisy Mae is wearing something to protect her ears from flies!

Olivier said...

elle a de la chance, voila une belle promenade en pleine nature.

it has chance, veiled a beautiful walk in full nature.

Annie said...

She looks to be a good girl on a good horse. I see she is wearing her helmet and that is a good thing as she is learning.

Shelly said...

I used to love riding bare back! :)

Priscilla said...

Very nice!

Rachel said...

How fun!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Gudl!

Simone said...

Happy Birthday, Gudrun! Ich wollte Dir per email gratulieren, aber spinnt seit gestern, da ist irgendwie was faul. Also ich hoffe, Du hattest/hast einen schoenen Tag!

Martin Stickland said...

"Good girl daisy" or "Where are the breaks?"

Lovely looking horse!

Gudl said...

Hi Rachel and Simone, thanks for your birthday wishes!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

She's more talented than I am. :)

Anonymous said...

Tolles Team, ich freue mich auch sehr fuer Daisy und Melissa!