Look how big the chickens are by now! They love to sit on the wooden sticks that our daughter put in the cage. Our son's dog Sasha is interested in them, too!
Schaut mal wie gross unsere Huehner nun sind! Sie sitzen gerne auf den Stoecken, die unsere Tochter in den Kaefig gesteckt hat. Der Hund unseres aeltesten Sohnes, Sasha, gefallen die Huehner auch!
I love seeing the many animals.
I love the zoo! :) And Sasha is so cute!
That's so cool that you put in sticks for the chickens to sit on! They're just like parrots! Haha.
What fun!! :)
OMG!!! The chickens are SOO BIG!! I lvoe the white ones!! AW! Do any others have names? And Sasha looks different too! Older :]
I can't believe how big they are already! You'll have eggs soon, won't you?! :-)
Ja, wie gross die sind! Wahnsinn! Ein wirklich schoener Kaefig fuer die chickens. Good job!
Total drollig!
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