Monday, October 06, 2008

Pretty in Red

Slowly the leaves are turning...
Langsam verfaerben sich die Blaetter....das Rot sieht schoen aus.


Olivier said...

les couleurs de l'automne commencent a gagner la foret.

the colors of autumn beginning to win the forest.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Can we just pretend those are pretty red flowers in your trees, and not leaves?

I'm SO not ready for winter!! :(


Mike's Travels said...

Beautiful. You are ahead of us.

Anonymous said...

Klasse das Rot,so intensiv!
Hier fallen die Blätter auch in Massen;morgen soll nochmals ein warmer Sonnen Herbsttag mit bis zu 20grad hier sein!
Ein Lichtblick bei dem driesten Wetter der letzten Tage.

Wanda said...

I love your little forest... the colors today and yesterday are wonderful.

Pedi said...

Genauso sieht es momentan auch bei uns aus. Ich mag es sehr, wenn Herbst ist, trotz teilweise tristen Wetters. Der Anblick der bunten Bäume entschädigt einen.

Naturegirl said...

Hello Gudl:
I was at a friends cottage up north and delighted in seeing the changing of the leaves and of course as you put it so perfectly the gifts on the ground for the winter wildlife.

Lori said...

The fall must be the most gorgeous season in your forest. (I love the rainbow photos your daughter took the other day.) You have such beautiful sights there!!

JO said...

beautiful - enjoy the 'colors'