Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Chickens on the Loose

This weekend we allowed our chickens to free roam for a while. Aren't they cute? This week I will show you close-ups of the different kind. We don't let them run around all the time, because we are afraid that the foxes will eat them.
Am Wochenende haben wir die Huehner mal wieder frei laufen lassen. Wir machen das nicht oft, weil wir befuerchten, dass der Fuchs sie holt! Sind sie nicht nett anzusehen? Diese Woche werde ich euch Nahaufnahmen der einzelnen Rassen zeigen.


Lori said...

Those chickens are beautiful. It looks like they have all different colors of feathers. I hope they are laying lots of eggs!

Mirjam said...

Da freuen sie sich bestimmt immer wenn sie raus dürfen...
Auf die einzelnen Rassen bin ich aber gespannt!

JO said...

Oh what fun! Those are some happy chickens!

Angela Marie said...

Your chickens are beautiful! I love chickens... and have quite a few sitting in my house. They are cement and ceramic. IF I had a little house in the forest, I would have them too!


Olivier said...

la famille poule prend l'air ;o)

the hen family takes the air ;O)

Olivier said...

I have got a new award! (Thank Peter ) Would be happy to pass it on to you. I feel you fit perfectly to the description!
The 'Power of Schmooze Award' is The Award for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship".

Normally you should forward to five persons, but I don't believe there is a fine!

Steph said...

Ours have been laying for a few weeks now too-- it's so fun to gather them! We are getting up to 8 or 9 a day (we have nine chickens). Looks like you have some Aracaunas too! Hopefully I'll be on blogging more now that summer is closing. Hope to see you at CBS!

stadtgarten said...

So eine ländliche Idylle erwartet man eigentlich nicht, wenn man hier an New York denkt, selbst wenn's Upstate ist.
Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von Deinen Bildern!
LG, Monika

Mellimaus said...

Those pictures are great! I love how your camera gets them all so clear and colorful. It's great!

Priscilla said...

Free Range Chickens! Watch out for the raccoons too!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

If not the foxes it will be me!
(just kidding :) )

Anonymous said...

Das sieht nach einer sehr idyllischen Umgebung aus und auf jeden Fall nach glücklichen Hühnern.
Herzliche Grüße aus Frankfurt/Main
Elke / Miyelo

Wanda said...

They are wonderful chickens, so colorful....yes, don't let the fox get to them. That old sly fox.

Anika said...

aww!!! how many eggs are they laying daily?

Gudl said...

by now we get 4 eggs a day. not all of them lay yet.

JAM said...

Really nice shots. I love their little house!