Friday, September 07, 2007

A Break from the Chicken Posts

This was yesterday early evening. It shows our daughter lounging her horse Miss Daisy Mae in our little forest. My husband cut down some grass and fern for her to do that. Both 'girls' had fun. Our daughter has another clip of it on her blog "Riding Miss Daisy" see link on the right.
Das war gestern gegen Abend. Es zeigt wie unsere Tochter ihr Pferd Daisy Mae loungiert bei uns im kleinen Wald. Mein Mann hat Gras u Farn zurueckgeschnitten um Platz dafuer zu machen. Beide 'Maedchen' hatten Spass! Auf der rechten Seite ist ein Link zu "Riding Miss Daisy" da kann man noch einen Videoclip davon sehen.


Lori said...

Somehow I see a future career of working with horses for your daughter! She's so good with them.

Olivier said...

sympathique (et tres bonne idee) cette petite video, ta fille sera dompteuse plus tard. Bon Weekend

sympathetic nerve (and very good idea) this small video, your daughter will be dompteuse later. Good Weekend

Priscilla said...

What a beautiful horse!

Unknown said...

Cool clip, I'll have to check out Melissa's blog.

Shelly said...

I remember doing that with my horse! :)

judi/Gmj said...

Why do you do that with a horse??

Anonymous said...

She knows how to crack the whip. The horse knows what that means too. I am impressed.

Nice video.

Thanks for the visit.

My Birds Blog

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Your daughter has quite a talent! I'd never know what to do. :)

JO said...

Anika is great with her horse... very nice you have so much space for her to enjoy her friend :)

JO said...

Anika is great with her horse... very nice you have so much space for her to enjoy her friend :)

Angela Marie said...

That was so neat! Your daughter really seems to know what she is doing at such a young age! They look great together!