Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Chicken News !

Since the weather was (and is) great, the chickies were allowed to go outside on Sunday afternoon for the first time. I think they were a little shocked at first. It was still much colder in the sun outside than in the basement underneath the heat lamp! But after a short time they started scratching in the grass already. But they did remind me of a small child who sits in the grass for the first time! Like 'I don't believe this' with big eyes!
Weil das Wetter so gut war (und ist), durften die kleinen Huehner am Sonntag Nachmittag das erste mal nach draussen. Ich glaube, erst waren sie ein wenig geschockt. Es war draussen in der Sonne immer noch kaelter als drinnen im Keller unter der Heizlampe! Aber schon nach kurzer Zeit haben sie angefangen im Gras zu scharren. Sie haben mich aber an ein kleines Kind erinnert, das zum ersten Mal im Gras sitzt! So etwas unglaeubig mit grossen Augen....


Priscilla said...

They must have been so happy out there!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

beautiul photos! :)

Annie said...

How much fun it must have been to experience the first outing, and the sunshine, with them.

Wanda said...

your babies are just adorable!!! I just want to reach out and pick one up.

judi/Gmj said...

Lookin' like chickens. Did all of them survive? How fun to watch them scratch.

Mandy said...

Lovely to see the chickens.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I've added your blog to my links.

love from mandy
Mandy's Meanderings

Olivier said...

ils sont tres craquants et tres mignons. merci de nous donner de leurs nouvelles

they are very cracking and very nice. thank you to give us their news

Pedi said...

einfach cool!!!

Heike said...


Steph said...

They are so fun to watch, aren't they? Ours are finally not peeping so much but clucking and squawking like big chickens.

Anonymous said...

Sind sie gross geworden,"fast flügge!"

Shelly said...

Looks like you have a lot of activity over at your house these days with all the new critters! :) What fun!!

Lori said...

They are so cute!! I'm glad you are keeping us up-to-date on their progress.

Wolfgang said...

Ich verfolge mit großem Interesse den Werdegang Eurer Hühner.

Anonymous said...

Wie suess die sind so das erste Mal draussen, die haben es echt gut, glueckliche Huehner eben!!

Gemma said...

Wo ich das hier grad sehe, fällt mir ein, dass ich letzte Nacht von zwei von euren Hühnern geträumt habe...ein komischer Traum...sie waren RIESIG!

Gudl said...

Das ist ja lustig, Lucia, dass du von unseren Huehnern getraeumt hast!

Lis vom Lindenhof said...

Mensch sind die schon groß geworden!
LG Lis

Dunja said...

Wow, sind die nun gross und goldig!!