Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bambi in the Little Forest

Sunday afternoon I was going for a walk with our dog when she chased after a deer (the deer always win!). I kept on walking and came across this little one obviously left behind by the running Mama. It lay very still and first I thought it is dead. I didn't touch it! I just said "Hi Baby"....took a few photos and left. We checked a couple of hours later and by then the baby deer was gone, the mother must have come back and picked it up again.
Am Sonntag Nachmittag war ich im Wald spazieren, als mein Hund einem Reh nachjagte (sie kriegt sie aber nie!) Ich ging weiter und kam an diesem Baby vorbei, das die Mutter offensichtlich zurueckgelassen hatte. Es lag ganz still da und erst dachte ich, es ist tot! Ich habe es nicht angefasst! Ich habe nur "Hi Baby" gesagt, ein paar Fotos gemacht und bin schnell weitergegangen. Nach ungefaehr 2 Std. haben wir nochmal nachgeschaut, aber da war das Bambi weg, die Mutter hat es wohl wieder abgeholt.


Lori said...

So sweet! I like his spots. I'm surprised you could get so close. I'm glad to know his mother came back for him. A lovely photo!

Anika and Tobias said...

How cute!!!!!!!!

Lis vom Lindenhof said...

Wie gut wenn manbei jedem Spaziergang die Digi dabei hat!

Anonymous said...

Wie suess, das Arme hatte sich sicher erschreckt.
Schoene Fotos!

Olivier said...

il est si mignon, comment tu as fait pour l'approcher. Dans la foret, à côté d'Evry, il y a des biches, mais on n'arrive pas a se rapprocher, elle fuit rapidement

it is so nice, how you made to approach it. In the drill, beside Evry, it there be some hind, but one arrive not have himself bring closer, it flee quickly

Martha said...

You are blessed!

Steph said...

I see the mommies all the time, but no babies yet. I think I need to take my running "off road". :)

Shelly said...

You have lots of exciting adventures in the little forest - how fun!

Mirjam said...

Wow, das ist ja süß! Ich freu mich immer über deine tollen Bilder!

JO said...

O How sweet! What a nice story and some very cute pics. Aren't you lucky to have spotted the baby... Thanks for sharing.

Rachel said... cute. He was probably so scared. You tell Abby she's had enough deer legs to chew on!

Heike said...

Schöne Bilder. Wie gut dass Du immer mit der Kamera spazieren gehst. So haben wir auch was davon.

Priscilla said...

That's amazing!