Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Woodpecker Work

"A picture says more than thousand words"
"Nicht schlecht, Herr Specht" (danke, Lucia!) :-)


Pedi said...

Wow, gute Arbeit!

Olivier said...

Waouhhh (comme le dit si bien pedi) impressionnant ce que faire comme travail un Woodpecker...je suis content de n'avoir que des pigeons ;o)
Photos vraiment tres impressionnantes

Waouhhh (like known as the so well pedi) impressing what to make as work Woodpecker… I am glad to have only pigeons ;O)
Photographs really very impressive

Anonymous said...

Erstaunlich welche "Arbeit"die Spechte leisten

Pedi said...

Auf einem Baume saß ein Specht.
Der Baum war hoch. Dem Specht war schlecht.
-Heinz Erhardt

T said...

okay those must be some really tasty buggies , those wood peckers are getting!
they do damage to the trees, but they are soooo pretty.

Mirjam said...

Ganz schön arbeitswütig!

Annie said...

Hi Gudl, It's so nice to meet you today. I think your woodpecker has been very very busy - I hope he found the grub or whatever it was he was pecking for.

Rachel said...

Good thing he just pecking the trees and not your house. We used to have one that would bang on our chimney vent. What a loud noise that made, very annoying to wake up to in the morning. They are pretty birds.

Gudl said...

Yes, Rachel, that did actually happen to us, too, when we were still living in the city. First I didn't know what that noise was and it scared me!!

Gudl said...

Petra, du kennst Heinz Erhardt gar nichr mehr 'persoenlich', oder?
Ich kann mich gut an ihn erinnern.

Priscilla said...

I was just thinking that it's a good thing you don't live in a log home.

Markus said...

i am impressed...

Markus said...

you know mom, i link to your blogs, i think i deserve a link to mine....

see you friday or saturday

Dunja said...

Very impressive indeed!

Yes, markus, link....

stadtgarten said...

Euer Specht ist ja ganz schön fleissig. Wenn er so weitermacht, habt Ihr bald keinen Wald mehr!
Viele Grüße aus Wiesbaden, Monika

Gudl said...

Markus, when you come on Sat, maybe you can do that for me. (link)

Luna und Luzie said...

Great pictures ! Ich habe noch nie so einen bearbeiteten Baum gesehen. Sehr interessant !!!
Schön, dass hier noch mehr Heinz Erhardt kennen :-)

Pedi said...

Nein, ich kenn ihn nicht wirklich, nur aus "Rückschauen" oder so...