Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Birthday G & M

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
All the best for you two, have a great day, I love you!!
"Der Herr segne dich und behuete dich.
Der Herr lasse sein Angesicht ueber dich leuchten und sei dir gnaedig.
Der Herr wende sein Angesicht dir zu und schenke dir Heil" Numeri 6:24-26


Pedi said...

Alles alles Liebe euch zweien! Habt einen schönen Tag!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Priscilla said...

Happy Birthday, Mellimouse! (and G)

Gemma said...

Happy, happy Birthday, Gary und Melissa!

Anonymous said...

Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all Euren Wegen,Dir Gary und Dir Melissa.
Einen schönen Geburtstags Sonntag wünscht Euch Jutta
Grüsse an Euch und alle

Germanone93 said...

Happy birthdy, melissa

Germanone93 said...

und gary, sorry

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone!

Markus said...

Happy Birthday to both of you!

Dunja said...

Happy Bday Melisa and Gary from me again and all of us!

Olivier said...

le bouquet de Roses est magnifique, tres belle photo, le bouquet sort tres bien

the Roses bunch is splendid, very beautiful photograph, the bouquet leaves very well