Monday, January 29, 2007


This is my sister's dog Lady. She really is an old lady, but very sweet. Guess what 'treat' she is enjoying here in our diveway (and lovely Abby is sharing it with her!)
Das ist der Hund meiner Schwester. Sie ist wirklich eine alte 'Lady', aber ganz lieb. Ratet mal welchen Leckerbissen sie hier bei uns in der Einfahrt geniesst (und die nette Abby teilt ihn mit ihr)


Priscilla said...

Ummmmm...a bone from a deer?

Martha said...

Yup, that's would be my guess too.

T said...

yup a bone.
or a snowball, but that would be one chomp.... so yah a bone

T said...
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Rachel said...

My sisters beat me to it, I was also going to say a deer leg. Great minds think alike!

Gudl said...

You are all right. It is still that same deer leg! So much fun for such a long time!
And Abby was such a good sharer!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

lovely photos! :)