Sunday, November 12, 2006

Stonewall in the Forest

Another 'Fall' photo. I hope you are not getting bored by it!! Abby loves to run in the leaves! Close to our house is this stone wall. We don't know how it got there. Originally our property was part of a sheep farm. Noch ein Herbst-Foto. Ich hoffe, ich langweile euch nicht! Abby liebt es durch die Blaetter zu rennen. In der Naehe von unserem Haus ist diese Steinmauer. Wir wissen nicht, wie sie dahin kam. Urspruenglich war unser Grundstueck Teil einer Schafsfarm.


Annette said...
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Priscilla said...

it's a neat piece of history.

Martha said...

We have rock walls near our house too. They were built years ago as property barriers. One still lies between our home and the neighbors and there are many more out in the woods and orchards. Some are falling down and some still stand straight.