Thursday, November 02, 2006

Birds have Little Houses, too

When I look out of the window I can see these two trees with the bird houses. My husband put them up but so far only the chipmunks or squirrels used them! Wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, sehe ich diese Vogelhaeuser. Mein Mann hat sie aufgehaengt, aber bisher haben nur die Streifenhoernchen oder Eichhoernchen davon Gebrauch gemacht.


Jessica said...

Hello from Michigan. You commented on my blog the other day. Looks like you live in a little piece of heaven there in the woods. Nice to meet you.

Gudl said...

Hello Jessica, thanks for stopping by! I don't know how I found your blog, but when I saw it I thought we lead very similar lives, full of 'blessings'.
Yes, I feel like this is a piece of heaven. I am very thankfu. Nice to meet you, too.

Jessica said...

Hi Gudl (I'm not sure how to pronounce your name?).....If you would like, I'd love to tell you more about myself and get to know you too. We could share our "Blessings". My email address is