Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Backside of the Little House

This is the last side of the house that I didn't show yet. In summer you cannot see the house from where I was standing here. But now that the leaves are down.... you also see the evergreens now, they are standing out with their green needles. Das ist die letzte Seite vom Haus, die ich noch nicht gezeigt habe. Im Sommer kann man das Haus von der Stelle wo ich stand nicht sehen, aber nun, da die Blaetter unten sind.... man sieht nun auch die Tannenbaeume besser, mit ihrem Gruen stechen sie heraus.


Priscilla said...

it looks like a very nice house.

Gudl said...

thank you! It is! One of these days you have to come out and see it! Bring your kids!

Rachel said...

All the land around you looks so beautiful too! You must LOVE it!

Gudl said...

Rachel, thanks for commenting on my blog. I do indeed LOVE it!! I feel very blessed and I am very thankful for the beauty all around me, which is God's creation. All the best to you!