This is Melissa with her trainer and of course, Miss Daisy-Mae. They had a very successful and fun fair week and everybody was kind of sad that it is over already! Melissa received a lot of ribbons and trophies.
Das ist Melissa mit ihrer Trainerin u natuerlich Miss Daisy-Mae. Sie hatten alle eine sehr erfolgreiche u gute Woche u alle waren etwas traurig, dass es schon rum ist.
Melissa hat jede Menge Pokale u Baender abgestaubt!!
That was so fun! I loved being in all the same English classes as Melissa! Too bad we have to be in different divisions next year. The big seniors await her!!!
Glückwünsche für Melissa!
Very nice Melissa! Super job....
Super Melissa gratuliere Dir von Herzen!
Ganz toll, Melissa! Congratulations!
Yea! Good for Melissa! I always felt that way after the hub-bub and competition was over at the fair, too! What a great week.
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