Thursday, August 07, 2008

Wildlife in the Little Forest


Martha said...

That is one tiny toad!

Lori said...

I've just been catching up on your lovely photos. Looks like you are having such a nice summer. You must be so busy with the upcoming restaurant!

JO said...

HOW cute! Wonderous! Thanks for sharing.

Mary Timme said...

For a toad/frog--I never know nor care which is which--he's really small.

Dorothy said...

Hi Gudl..I see you've been enjoying the nice warm summer weather..The restaurant your opening...are you going to have a website? We have folks living in upstate New York that may be close enough to dine with you :) Let me know where your fun...I know you must be excited :)

Anonymous said...

WOA, that first picture is cool! I didn't notice the toad for a second, and then suddenly it just POPPED out at me! :) Great shot!

Allen said...

I agree with melimouse it seems to blend in with everything around it. Very cool.

Olivier said...

elle est si petite !!! mais plus tard, un prince charmant viendra lui faire une bise et elle deviendra princesse.

it is so small! but later, a prince charming will make him a muse and it will become princess.

Mike's Travels said...

Fantastic camouflage! Took me a minute...

Pedi said...

Echt winzig der Frosche, bestimmt nicht leicht, die auf dem Waldboden zu entdecken!

Anonymous said...

Gosh that is tiny. I have not seen such a tiny one before.

I have been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and the chemotherapy drug doesn't get rid of the pain so it is hard to type very much.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio

Anonymous said...

Unsere Mutter meinte beim Anschauen des Frosches das sie das Foto schon kenne? Kann das sein?Sie meinte hättest Du im letzten Jahr schon einmal drin gehabt.
Gruss von Mama an Euch alle

Gudl said...

Nein Jutta, dieses Foto hatte ich noch nie im Netz. Ich habe diese Bilder erst Anf. der Woche 'geschossen'. Viele Gruesse an euch alle!

Wanda said...

Oh my he really blends in his enviorenment.