Sunday, August 03, 2008

Another Fair Photo

I am looking through all the photos that I shot two weeks ago at the county fair and I wanted to show you this one. The girl was riding this huge draft horse and was competing in a game. The horse is cantering and when you saw it it was mighty and loud, too!
Click on the photo to see it in large!
Ich habe nochmal durch meine Fotos von vor zwei Wochen geschaut u wollte euch noch dieses Maedchen auf dem Zugpferd zeigen. Sie war da gerade dabei ein Staffellauf zu beenden u das Pferd galoppierte hier gerade. Es war wirklich maechtig anzuschauen u auch laut! Riesig.


Mellimaus said...

That's an awesome photo! I really liked that girl, and her horse did very well, too, especially for a draft. Good shot!

Wanda said...

That is one big horse. Really a nice photo too.

joeks said...

What a powerful looking horse. Neat that you caught it with only one foot on the ground!

JO said...