Thursday, December 03, 2009


The Y here in our city opened up a new addition with a new pool this year. That is where I swim and try to stay in shape!! It seems that this time of the year it is getting harder and harder to keep the pounds off!!
In the front is the kiddie pool and in the back is the deep end where I swim.
Unser hiesiges YMCA hat dieses Jahr einen Anbau mit neuem Schwimmbad eroeffnet. Hier schwimme ich u versuche mir die Pfunde vom Leib zu halten!! Im Monat Dezember ist das besonders schwer!
Vorne ist der Kinderpool u hinten ist das tiefe Becken, wo ich immer schwimme.


duopastorale said...

I'm very impressed! It's usually new year that people start trying to shed the pounds :)

Dunja said...

Looks really nice!