We got a lot of snow yesterday and thankfully I found the time to go for a walk with the dog. Abby just loves to run in it! She also takes snow-baths. Better than rolling in other 'stuff'!!
Vorgestern Nacht hat es viel geschneit u gestern habe ich zum Glueck Zeit gefunden mit dem Hund spazieren zu gehen. Abby liebt es im Schnee zu rennen u sich drin zu rollen. Besser als in anderen (stinkenden!) Sachen!! Ich wuensche euch allen ein schoenes Wochenende.
Oh yes, and smells so much better than "other stuff" too when she is done. We are supposed to get hit with a storm tonight, but right now the sun is shining but the wind is blowing, and that means we are getting a weather change!
It looks so pretty! I'm glad Abby enjoys it so much since we have a few months of the white stuff ahead of us.
Schöööön, es hat geschneit. Das sieht nach einem kalten Spaziergang aus!
Patch findet Schnee auch immer ganz toll, aber leider bleibt er ja bei uns nie lange.
Abby is soo cute! I bet she had fun on her walk... My dog loves the snow too but doesn't get to see it often - it is a long drive to get there... we got our first snow this weekend in our mountains. Maybe we willdrive up there next weekend to play. Enjoy your winter wonderland :)
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