Monday, May 19, 2008

Daisy-Mae and Shania

On Saturday our daughter went riding with a friend.
The weather was great and the four of them had a lot of fun!
Don't they look great?
Am Samstag ist unsere Tochter mit einer Freundin ausgeritten. Das Wetter war toll u alle vier hatten viel Spass! Sehen sie nicht gut aus?


Pedi said...

Guten Morgen, du bist aber früh wach!
Das sind zwei tolle und wunderschöne Pferde, aber das eine heißt gar nicht Shania sondern "Kleiner Onkel"!

Gudl said...

Da hast du recht, Pedi!!

Anonymous said...

Aus Pipi Langstrumpf ja stimmt:-) Schöne Fotos von den vieren,man sieht ihnen förmlich die Freude an.

Olivier said...

Le cheval (type Camargue) blanc est vraiment très beau.

The horse (type Camargue) white is really very beautiful.

Dorothy said...

Oh my that a little Appoloosa pony? Not sure how to spell it...What fun to be young and riding horses...thank you for such beautiful photos Gudl...

Anonymous said...

The horse and the house took me right back to Pippi Longstocking childhood memories :-)

Mike's Travels said...

The white horse is beautiful!

HannaPurzel said...

Jaaaaaaa, ich dachte auch ganz spontan: Pippis Pferd!
Ich find es wierklich gant toll, dass Melli einen Helm trägt!
Schöne Bilder, wie immer ;o)))
Herzlichste GRüsse

Anika said...

Shania is so pretty!!

Martha said...

That looks like so much more fun than a bicycle ride! The horses are gorgeous.

Wanda said...

What awesome pictures ~~ Those are such beautiful horses ~~ Glad Daisy Mae has a friend.


vintage-rose Cottage said...

was für ein tolles Pferd..das würde super zu unserem Dalmi passen...ich liebe Pferde mit Flecken:O)
liebe Grüsse vom Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful looking appaloosa (I think that it was it is) and yes it does look like they had a good time or are about to. Nice photography.

JO said...

Great pics - looks like such fun!

Dunja said...

Sehr schoene Pferde!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

They do look great. This reminds me of when I was a young lady. It was such fun riding.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

So fun!! They do look great! Did her friend trailer Shania to your house, or does she live nearby?

Did Daisy enjoy having a pal to ride around with, too?

Priscilla said...

I know that lady on the horse!