I am sure you all know that these are wild strawberry blossoms.
I don't know...I just enjoy every little thing.
The other day I came home and had my camera in the car when I saw the little deer on our lawn. You could almost think it is our pet!
Sicherlich kennt ihr diese Bluete alle; die wilde Erdbeerbluete.
Mir gefallen halt alle bluehenden Pflanzen hier, wenn noch so klein.
Kuerzlich kam ich angefahren u hatte die Kamera im Auto als ich das kleine Reh auf unserer Wiese sah. Sieht aus als waer' es unser Haustier!
Good morning Gudl...how precious the young deer in your yard..nature so close by and so beautiful...You are quite blessed...I love the tiny little flowers as well..little delicate blooms.. Lovely photos...
il est mignon et pas timide du tout. cela doit être sympathique de voir un petit cerf prés de sa maison.
it is cute and not shy at all. it must be nice to see a small deer near his house.
beautiful! Spring has really sprung there. :)
How precious ~~ the deer does look like your pet, and I think those little blossums are just a foretast of those yummy strawberries.
und bestimmt schmecken die Erdbeeren später sehr lecker. SInd das Walderdbeeren?
Ja, Pedi, Walderdbeeren, die kleinen.
Actually, I had to look twice. At first glance I thought it was a dog.
Oh my deer !0
You must really live in the forest.
I live in the "Forêt d'Orient" and I see them only çn the fields or they cross just before or behind my car.
What beautiful photos! And to have so much precious nature right there within easy sight to enjoy each day....wonderful!!
When I first looked at that deer, I did think you had gotten a new dog. hehe
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