Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another Beauty in the Little Forest

I see a few of those flowers on my walks. It's funny, I didn't notice them last year. They are blooming right now. Their name is Trillium I hear from fellow bloggers! Thank you to Priscilla and Farmgirl!
Zur Zeit sehe ich einige von diesen Blumen auf meinen Spaziergaengen hier bei uns im Wald. Komischerweise habe ich die letztes Jahr nicht gesehen. Sie heissen Trillium hab ich nun erfahren.


Priscilla said...

That flower is called a "Trillium". It has the prefix "Tri" which mean 3. It's called that because it has three leaves and three petals. Just thought you might be impressed with my knowledge. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Habe gerade letzt gehört das es Pflanzen gibt die nicht jedes Jahr kommen und wieder andere die ganz neu erscheinen.Vielleicht ist das so eine?
Schönes We an Euch alle

Danni said...

Hi gudl,
Trillium are beautiful and are one of my very favorite wild flowers. They are always a treat to find. Be sure never to pick them, though - if you do, they won't bloom again for many years!!
Here's a bit more info taken from:

"Picking Trillium for their flower can seriously injure the plant. The three leaves (more correctly leafy bracts) below the flower are the plant's only ability to produce food stores and a picked trillium can take many years to recover. For this reason in many areas, e.g. British Columbia, Michigan, New York, Minnesota,[1] and Washington, it is illegal to pick and/or transplant trilliums from public lands with out a permit form the State."

Dorothy said...

Gudl....this just goes to show you..bigger is not always better...
How lovely just a tiny little flower is....have a beautiful weekend...

Martha said...

And they come in red too! I used to have one in my garden here near the house, but I didn't see it this year.

Wanda said...

That's a great shot against the tree limb.

Would be fun to walk with you someday.

Priscilla said...

I knew they were illegal to pick too....but I didn't know why. Interesting info, Farmgirl.

Gudl said...

I am glad I decided not to pick it!!