Wednesday, February 27, 2013


We always had squirrels at our bird feeders, but lately we are seeing this black one! Isn't it beautiful? All come to our 'table of  plenty' , but they have to watch out for Sasha! The other day she actually got a squirrel! 


joeks said...

Our county seat (Marysville, Kansas) is known as "Black Squirrel City" and it's always interesting to see them.

Martha said...

Very interesting. I hope he's careful of Sasha.

Have you seen the white deer at the Seneca Army Depot?

Martha said...

Check this

and this

And no, this is not spam. It's really me. :)

Gudl said...

Hi Martha,thank you! That is interesting! I wanted to add our location but it doesn't work , not even in a comment section. If you want to do it, feel free!! I am not capable haha