Friday, February 20, 2009

Guessing Game

What do you think this is?
Ratet mal, was das wohl ist?


Anonymous said...

I think it's the leaves off a flower plant that's dead...but the orange strip...idk...
Did you pour orange juice next to the leaf while taking the picture to confuse us? ;-) jk :)

Anonymous said...

Das koennten Eiszapfen sein, die von einer farbigen Fluessigkeit stammen !?

Markus said...

i think it is frozen tree sap

joeks said...

Icicles? Off of a rusty roof or something?

Martha said...

rusty icicles.

Wanda said...

That's easy ~~ A frozen carrot for the bunny! ((smile))

Mary Timme said...

I tend to think it is icicles with some impurity in them, but tree sap would be a good guess too. Not sure!

Pedi said...

Abgestorbene Blätter einer Pflanze?

Mike's Travels said...

a strip of sweet potato?

Anonymous said...

Eine Maispflanze,ein Blatt davon?!

Gemma said...

Das ist....der traurige Rest einer Jucca-Palme, die du in irgendeiner Ecke eures Hauses vergessen hattest ;-)) Helau!

Dunja said...

Eine abgestorbene Gartenpflanze

Isadora said...

Is it a leave covered in icicles? :)

Last year I visited my brother on the Cape in mid-May and it was like Hungary in March. Now I'm about to leave in 3 weeks and I think I'll need my winter coat and booths? :)