Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Canada Geese

These days I see a lot of wild geese stopping on their way to warmer climate! This photo was taken one night on our church parking lot! Yesterday I saw a huge flock in a field (I don't think that this made the farmer happy!!)
Zur Zeit sehe ich viele Wildgaense die auf der Durchreise sind. Das hier wurde auf unserem Kirchparkplatz aufgenommen! Gestern sah ich einen Riesenschwarm in einem Feld sitzen (der Bauer hat sich sicher gefreut!!)


Olivier said...

c'est deja le temps des migrations ?

it is already the time of the migrations?

Martha said...

Canada geese have become little more than a nuisance. They are protected by law as a migratory species and many of them coose to stay year round. They are very messy! But pretty too. They make a beautiful photo.

Unknown said...

Haha, cool. It looks like I may be able to come home earlier MWF next week if I'm able to go to 2 o'clock practice. Then I can be home by 6 or so.

Lori said...

We have so many geese here in NYC too. I guess they are everywhere now. They are using border collies to try and chase some of them out of the parks. But I do think they are pretty birds.

Wanda said...

I would love to see a picture of your church...It looks like it is in a lovey spot.

Priscilla said...

yep! There are a lot more of them now then when I was little.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

we have a lot of them here -- not good at the golf course!

Angela Marie said...

Every once in a while, I will hear geese, go out and look in the sky and see them flying. I tear up every time... I don't know why. They are beautiful! And so healthy looking!

Wolfgang said...

diese vielen Gänse!! Das muss sehr beeindruckend sein.
Bei uns ziehen momentan die Kraniche. An den Rastplätzen gibt es tausende. In der nächsten Woche wollen wir nach Rügen, un uns das Schauspiel anzusehen.
Danke für Deine letzten Post. Ich hatte mich etwas rar gemacht.
Wünsche ein schönes Wochenende