Sunday, August 05, 2007

Taking Care of the Ponies

These are the little guys we were watching last week. They are really cute and nice to watch!
Das sind die kleinen Ponies die wir diese Woche gehuetet haben. Sie sind wirklich goldig und nett zu beobachten.


Priscilla said...

They look very sweet.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I've always been fascinated by those -- don't know why. Oh well. :)

Wanda said...

They are adorable...and the photo in with the white and shadows, wow, those are great shots.

Anonymous said...

They are very nice animals. I love horses almost as much as dogs. These are nice and your photography is very nice to see again too.

Abraham Lincoln
Atomic bombs and goggles

Angela Marie said...

This made me think about how much responsibility they are. You have to run, feed, brush, and ride them.

They are adorable!

Lori said...

How cute! Those ponies are so tiny. They look like very sweet animals!

Olivier said...

Il est mignon ce poney. ta famille d'animaux s'agrandit

It is nice this pony. your family of animals increases

Anonymous said...

Aww, those are great pictures!

Lis vom Lindenhof said...

Die sind wirklich nett, ich glaube vor denen hätte nicht mal ich Angst :-))